The 2022 AGM was held this past Sunday. There was a quorum of 15 present, fortunately just enough to continue with the meeting. The Gunuma Constitution require a quorum for the AGM or it has to be adjourned and reconvened at a later date. The Committee would like to thanks those who attended, and encourage the entire membership to read the minutes on the website, involve themselves in the running of the lodge, and consider stepping up to a position on the committee.

The Committee and President thanked the outgoing members of the Committee for their tireless work – Rachel Hemsworth who retired as secretary last year but has continued in the role to support the lodge, Stefan Belacic from Maintenance Manager, Christine Palmer from Capital Works, Emma Rees from Logistics Manager, and Kathryn Rodda from Communications. The lodge would not exist without the committee who expend significant time and effort to make it a place for all of us to enjoy.

The following committee members were nominated and are continuing in their roles for 2022:

  • President – Peter Rodda
  • Vice President – Geoff Jones
  • Membership Secretary – Paul Giugni
  • Treasurer – Jason Zarew
  • Environment Manager – Vanessa Palmer

We welcome Michael Royle as Secretary, Kathrn Rodda as Communications Manager, and Daniel Kochanowicz as Capital Work Manager.

The positions of Logistics Manager and Maintenance Manager remain unfilled, and the president and committee would like to ask the Gunuma membership to consider their ability to do one of these roles. Without these two positions it will be very difficult to run a successful ski lodge and Gunuma will struggle to operate in 2023.

Finally, invoices for 2023 subs have been sent. Please note the due date of the 31/12/2022 to avoid a late fee.

The committee wishes you all a safe and happy festive season.